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…a new year w/ lots to celebrate...

hey folks,

Andrew, Jeffrey, Glenn and I have been continuing our film festival journey! A big thank you to the New Orleans Film Festival for awarding Hospes - Best Animation Short this past November. We ate and drank well. We danced ever so strangely surrounded by only the warmth that the city of New Orleans can offer.

I am still reveling in the glow of powdered short, New Orleans I love your donuts.

We also have received a lovely Jury Citation from the Sweaty Eyeballs Festival in Baltimore and have been selected for the Thomas Edison (Black Maria) Film Festival - Honorable Mention, the Brussels Independent Film Festival and the San Diego Underground Film Festival.

Andrew and I have completed another film together and will start to float out applications shortly. This time I would like to give many thanks to the Stone Quarry Art Park and the Corporation of Yaddo for their support.

We incorporated my interest in unrecognized labor of people of color and Andrew's interest in the history of percussion within military and jazz contexts.

The puppets were super fun to design and of course destroy. Please check out the new film's website for photos planning out the layers of latex destruction.

here's a copy of the film's trailer and website below:

stay well and hope to bump into you soon. w/ love -s

February 15-20, 2023

February 5-12, 2023

Traveling Festival - will post dates and locations soon

Heavy Light Selections - 2023 Dates will be Announced Soon

AWARD - Best Animation Short

AWARD - Jury Citation:

"Visceral and bold, full of quivering bodily elements and self-closing doors, this ambitious animation questions ideas of animacy, figuration, escape, and autonomy. Through fluent movement, striking editing, and eerie sound design, the director has sculpted and brought to life a metaphoric realm of inquiry into un-whole bodies. The jury commends the film for its innovation and excellence."

October 2022

Hospes, New Orleans Film Festival Screening


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